Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Paul Chan, Untitled (after St. Caravaggio), 2003–2006, © Paul Chan, photo: Jean Vong

Paul Chan - Selected Works

Schaulager is featuring the largest and most comprehensive solo exhibition by Paul Chan to date. Tweaklab was entrusted with the media planning, the installation of all the video works and projections as well as with the programming of the overall control system of the media installations. Furthermore, the exhibition media were edited and optimised for the exhibition in our digital laboratory.

The concept of the exhibition was developed by the artist and implemented by Schaulager under the direction of Heidi Naef and Isabel Friedli.

Concept of exhibition: Paul Chan
Management Schaulager: Heidi Naef und Isabel Friedli
Duration of the exhibition: 12.04.–19.10.2014

Photo credit: Paul Chan, Untitled (after St. Caravaggio), 2003-2006, Digitale Videoprojektion (Farbe, ohne Ton), 2 min. 58 sec., Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung, Geschenk der Präsidentin, 2010, Depositum in der Öffentlichen Kunstsammlung Basel, © Paul Chan, photo: Jean Vong