Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • 16 mm film projection during Art Salon, Art Basel

  • During filming scenes of the "Video-Guide", Schweizerische Landesmuseum, SNM

  • During filming scenes of the "Video-Guide", Schweizerische Landesmuseum, SNM

  • During the installation of "test pattern", Ryoji Ikeda, Elevation 1049

  • Juan Manuel Artero in the park of Fondation Beyeler

  • During the installation of "14/18 – Die Schweiz und der Grosse Krieg", Musée d'art et d'histoire, Neuchâtel

  • Installation team at Stadtmuseum Aarau

Tweaklab AG

Tweaklab is a service centre for electronic media, established in the year 2000 in Basel. The company counts on their employees' extensive professional experience in applied and artistic areas. We create content communication concepts for museums and exhibitions, plan and supervise the implementation of media installations, and provide consulting services to designers, filmmakers, museum curators, event organisers and organisations working in the field of culture and agencies.

About Tweaklab.pdf


Elkana Aron


Heinz Bitter

Financial controlling, administration, renting, purchase and aquisitions

Roland Brönnimann

Project and media planning, consulting, programming

Stephan Brunner

Programming, software and system development

Thomas Büchler

Project and media planning, installation

Martin Fuchs

Programming, software development, animation

Philippe Gallay

Media production, colour grading, digital archiving

Nica Giuliani

Communication, administration

Sarah Glauser

Project and media planning, media production

Remo Hobi

Project and media planning, installation

Kaspar Hochuli

Audio postproduction, mediaplanning, installation

Gautam Kansara

Media production, animation

Eddi Lecesne

Project and media planning, hardware development

Kai Maier-Rothe

Project and media planning, installation

Sebastian Mundwiler

Project and media planning, installation

David Pfluger

Installation, digital archiving, film technology

Dominik Schläpfer

Programming, software development

Céline Toia

Accounting, administration

Philip Whitfield

Software and system development, programming

David Buser

Freelancer, installation

Pia Gisler

Freelancer, assembly

Hanspeter Giuliani

Project and media planning, consulting, content production

Victoria Holdt

Freelancer, Media production

Samy Kramer

Freelancer, installation, audio postproduction

Hildegard Spielhofer Giuliani

Freelancer, administration

Jan van Oordt

Freelancer, installation



Tweaklab supports wfw as a Company Partner.

Fohhn Audio AG

Tweaklab is the official sales partner for Fohhn Audio AG products.