Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Basel Museums Night 2016, Schaulager

  • Basel Museums Night 2016, Schaulager

  • Basel Museums Night 2016, Schaulager

  • Basel Museums Night 2016, Schaulager

  • Basel Museums Night 2016, Schaulager

  • Basel Museums Night 2016, Schaulager

Basel Museum Night

For the first time, Schaulager opened its doors during the Basel Museum Night. A special photo booth has been developed for this event, which does not only print out the photos taken but also in the style of Andy Warhol’s work "Maja" (image of Maja Sacher-Stehlin) from 1980. At the same time the portraits were transferred to a screen, which was the center of attraction for young and old.

Tweaklab was commissioned with the development, the design and the programming as well as with the installation of the two photo booths.

Commission: Schaulager
Programming and UI Design: Undef
