"The endless cycle", "What does belong into a bin bag?" and "Which materials can be recycled?" – visitors get the answers to these questions during the public tour through the Kehrichtverbrennungsanlage Weinfelden (refuse incineration plant). Also, they get insight in the process of further utilization of our daily waist and how energy can be created. Different stations inform, amongst others, how long-distance-heating can be created and what re-usable products can be produced.
Tweaklab was commissioned with the media planning, programming and installation of the media stations.
For example with the displays of the actual emission value of the chimneys and with the installation of various monitors and touch screens. Also, Tweaklab developed and programmed the hardware of three interactive stations that are based on an ergometer with which the own body energy can be compared with the energy gained at KVA.
Place of exhibition: KVA Weinfelden
Exhibition concept and design: Fabritastika Gestaltungsatelier
New permanent exhibition starting Summer 2016.