Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view, "New permanent exhibition", HAMFU Uster

  • Installation view, "New permanent exhibition", HAMFU Uster

  • Installation view, "New permanent exhibition", HAMFU Uster

  • Installation view, "New permanent exhibition", HAMFU Uster

  • Installation view, "New permanent exhibition", HAMFU Uster

Schaulager Winikon 2

While nowadays we use digital communication systems on a daily basis, in fact only a view decades ago devices to signal in Morse and radio sets as well as telecommunication devices were common to transmit information from A to B.
In the newly opened center «Historisches Armeematerial Kommunikation und Übermittlung» - Hamfu – the extensive collection of historic communication technic of the Swiss Army is exhibited.

Tweaklab was commissioned with media technical planning, realization and installation of the various rotatable monitors. Furthermore, Tweaklab was commissioned with the planning, programming and installation of e 3-channel presentation object.

Exhibition design: Raumprodukt

Exhibition opening: 10.08.2017