Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Info screen, Antikenmuseum Basel

  • Exhibition view, Antikenmuseum Basel

  • Exhibition view, Antikenmuseum Basel

  • Exhibition view, "Scanning Sethos", Antikenmuseum Basel

Scanning Sethos
Antikenmuseum Basel

"The Regeneration of a Pharaonic Tomb" is the most outstanding burial site in the Valley of the Kings.

Tweaklab was commissioned with the media technical planning, programming and installation of the video projections. Besides the planning and installation, Tweaklab also was commissioned with the realization of a permanent information screen.

Commission: Antikenmuseum Basel

Duration of the exhibition: 29.10.2017–06.05.2018