Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28

Von Fideln und Meistergeigen
Geigenbauschule Brienz

The new permanent exhibition "Von Fideln und Meistergeigen" in the violin making school in Brienz shows the whole range of Swiss stringed instrument making and related music since the 17th century.

Black and white atmospheric images illustrating the craft are projected onto a foiled window pane in a loop. An interactive map on a touchscreen shows - structured chronologically and geographically - violin makers throughout Switzerland. Two films are shown on another touchscreen with headphones: A walk from the forest to the workbench and one from the parlour to the concert hall.

Tweaklab was commissioned with the planning, programming and installation of media installation.


Commission: Geigenbauschule Brienz
Scenography: Fischteich

From October 2022