Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view "Five Easy Pieces", photo: Tom Bisig

  • Installation view "Static", photo: Tom Bisig

  • Installation view "Running Thunder", photo: Tom Bisig

  • Installation view 7th Nov.", photo: Tom Bisig

Steve McQueen

Schaulager is presenting the first comprehensive exhibition of the British video artist and filmmaker's works. From earlier video installations through to his new films "Hunger" and "Shame" the exhibition reveals a comprehensive picture of this important artist, whose literary film adaption "12 Years a Slave", which is based on a true story, in 2014 won an Oscar for Best Picture. The exhibition displays in an elaborate architectural space more than twenty video and film installations as well as some works of photography.

Tweaklab was commissioned to realise the media planning and installation of all films and video works, the programming of the control of individual multiple projections as well as the implementation of the automation of the entire exhibition. For tours of the exhibition and for detailled art appreciation of the works individual installations can be operated by iPad. Furthermore Tweaklab edited and optimised the exhibition media material, such as for instance the 2002 work "Once Upon a Time", which was post-processed anew. Also the postproduction of the corresponding advertising spot for cinema and eBoard, with graphic processing by New Identity, was produced at our digital laboratory.

Duration of the exhibition: 16.03.–01.09.13

Steve McQueen at Schaulager, installation view, Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung, Courtesy the Artist © Steve McQueen, photo: © Tom Bisig, Basel