Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

  • Installation view, "Treasures of Vindonissa – Become an archaeologist!", Vindonissa Museum

Treasures of Vindonissa
Vindonissa Museum

In the new special exhibition in the Vindonissa Museum, visitors become archaeologists and embark on a search for hidden treasures.
Whether big or small, they play the role of excavation technician, restorer, scientist or museum director. They are asked to answer various questions at the individual stations. If they have solved the tasks correctly, they will receive the security code to the lock of the treasure chest. Once the treasure chest has been cracked with the code, the story of this valuable find is being told at the press of a button, while the find appears lit up behind a pane of glass.
Tweaklab programmed and installed this gaming station. They configured the various audio stations with motion sensor and light, and recorded and edited the audio recordings.

In total, Tweaklab was commissioned with the media technical planning, installing and programming, as well as with the implementation of the four video stations, of archaeologists, who talk about their love of archaeology. They show and report on an excavation piece that they have discovered and that is particularly close to their hearts.
Other stations consist of the "Telephone", in which Tweaklab additionally has made and edited the audio recordings on site, or the "ToiToi". Here, Tweaklab programmed the motion sensors, so that the reports of joys and sorrows of an excavation project are started unobstrusively.
The visitors elicit from the excavated finds in the museum their secrets via various sound space installations. Stories about these excavated pieces give an insight into the past and tell how our ancestors lived. These audio installations were also planned and installed by Tweaklab.

Location: Vindonissa Museum Brugg
Exhibition concept: Groenlandbasel

Duration of the exhibition: 26.08.2018–01.09.2019