Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view, "Sans début ni fin", Joann Sfar, Cartoonmuseum Basel

  • Installation view, "Sans début ni fin", Joann Sfar, Cartoonmuseum Basel

  • Installation view, "Sans début ni fin", Joann Sfar, Cartoonmuseum Basel

Joann Sfar
Cartoonmuseum Basel

For the first time, the Cartoonmuseum Basel is showing the drawing talent Joann Sfar in the large-scale overview exhibition "Sans début ni fin" with more than 200 original drawings, watercolours and film clips, while focusing on his latest works.

Tweaklab was commissioned with the media technical planning and installation of the media stations, and we also digitally processed the video content.

Commission: Cartoonmuseum Basel
Scenography: Groenlandbasel

Duration of the exhibition: 06.04.–11.08.2019