Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view, Museum Tinguely

  • Installation view, Museum Tinguely

  • Installation view, Museum Tinguely

  • Installation view, Museum Tinguely

Méta-Harmonie II
A restoration project

Jean Tinguely’s mobile sound sculpture "Méta-Harmonie II", which he himself called "sound mixing machine", was restored. This work was a research project of the Laurenz Foundation and was carried out by the Schaulager restoration team. Now, the "Méta-Harmonie II" has returned to the Museum Tinguely and made accessible to the public in all its diversity of sound.

The various phases of the restoration work were documented on film. In interviews, experts provide information about the multi-faceted work of the restorers.

On a touchscreen in the exhibition room, the visitors can call up more than twenty short documentaries and thus immerse themselves in various focal points of the work. In addition to restoration aspects, the piece itself and its history are also illuminated.

Commission: Laurenz Stiftung, Schaulager
Location: Museum Tinguely
Screen design: Groenlandbasel

Touch application in the exhibition as of May 2019