Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Video still, "Kaserne Hauptbau", FOCKETYN DEL RIO Studio

  • Video still, "Kaserne Hauptbau", FOCKETYN DEL RIO Studio

  • Video still, "Kaserne Hauptbau", FOCKETYN DEL RIO Studio

  • Video still, "Kaserne Hauptbau", FOCKETYN DEL RIO Studio

Kaserne Hauptbau

At the occasion of the vote about the planned conversion of the main building (2018–2021) at Kaserne Basel, the winners of the competition Hans Focketyn and Miquel del Rio commissioned an information video, focusing on questions like "Why is a conversion necessary?", "Why should the court yard of the barracks and the promenade of the river Rhine be connected?" and "How will the refurbished rooms be used?".

Tweaklab was commissioned with the development of the storyboards, with filming the interviews of the architects and the architectural model, with the recordings of the speakers as well as with cutting, color augmenting and sound designing of the film.

Commission: FOCKETYN DEL RIO Studio, Video
Camera: Severin Kuhn and Valentin Felber
