Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • "Trilogie", Jannik Giger, Klang Basel 2021

  • "Trilogie", Jannik Giger, Klang Basel 2021

  • "Trilogie", Jannik Giger, Klang Basel 2021

Jannik Giger
Klang Basel 2021

Jannik Giger's 3-channel video installation "Trilogy" features the Trio Rafale, consisting of Maki Wiederkehr (piano), Daniel Meller (violin) and Flurin Cuonz (cello). They perform the work "Caprice" (2014) composed by Giger. The trio concentrates on a passage of a few bars, which they repeat quite a few times, practicing the interplay until they are satisfied. The installation separates the three individually filmed performers, each onto their own spatially separate projection.

Tweaklab was commissioned with the media-technical planning and implementation, as well as installation.


Location: Klara, Clarastrasse 13
Duration of the installation: 18.–20.03.2021