Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view, "Galopping horse", Lisson Gallery, London

  • Installation view, "Galopping horse", Lisson Gallery, London

Julian Opie Studios

A few times we offered our consulting services in regards to LED displays to Julian Opie Studios. For example for the work "Horse" we planned and managed the realisation of a two-sided white LED display, consisting of two displays, 359,2 x 206,2 x 40 cm in size. "Horse" was produced for the solo exhibition at the Lisson Gallery in London in July 2012. The two-piece display was created in collaboration with Leurocom GmbH.

Place of exhibition: Lisson Gallery, London
Commission: Julian Opie Studios
