The exhibition "@HOME – Our society in the digital era", first conceptualized as "HOME – Welcome to Digital Life" in the year 2010 by Stapferhaus Lenzburg, is displayed as a special exhibition at the Deutsches Museum in München in a revised version. As previously in Lenzburg Tweaklab did the planning and installation of the media technology. Apart from staging a completely new room design by groenlandbasel the media stations were revised and adapted to the German audience with High German voice-over. Tweaklab developed a new interface for the living room production, in which you can listen to various interviews. The interface enables ordinary telephones to be linked to audio players. The visitors can dial telephone numbers and then eavesdrop on the phone conversations. The interactive guessing game, a 3-channel video installation, is about identifying the correct videogame hero. If the visitors achieve that goal they get to hear the music belonging to the hero as a reward.
Exhibition concept: Stapferhaus Lenzburg
Exhibition design: groenlandbasel