Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Audio station

Der alte Hausmeister erzählt
Altes Zeughaus Solothurn

The information-niche "Der alte Hausmeister erzählt" provides an insight into the reconstruction and the interior renovation of the museum Altes Zeughaus Solothurn itself. It is situated at the front portal of the museum and equipped with two audio stations where people can obtain further information about the new permanent exhibition.

Tweaklab was entrusted with producing content of the audio stations, consisting of voice recordings, sound editing and audio design as well as with the media planning and installing this information booth.

Exhibition concept: Altes Zeughaus Solothurn

Opening: 17.10.2014. The info-niche is open during reconstruction of the museum until 2016.