Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Installation view, "m.A.A.d.", Kahlil Joseph, Bernier/Eliades Gallery

  • Installation view, "m.A.A.d.", Kahlil Joseph, Bernier/Eliades Gallery

  • Installation view, "Notes Towards a Model Opera", William Kentridge, The Goodman Gallery

  • Installation view, "Notes Towards a Model Opera", William Kentridge, The Goodman Gallery

  • Installation view, "Nothing is Enough", Francis Stark, Gavin Brown Gallery

  • Installation view, "Dream Displacement", Paul Sharits, Greene Naftali Gallery

Art Basel, Unlimited
Art Basel, MCH Messe Schweiz

Tweaklab was commissioned with the media planning, advisory service and technical coordination of all media projects at Art Unlimited.

Additionally Tweaklab installed various projects for galleries, for example "m.A.A.d." by Kahlil Joseph at Bernier/Eliades Gallery, the 3-channel video installation by William Kentridge "Notes Towards a Model Opera" at The Goodmann Gallery and at Salon 94 Gallery the video work "The Music of Regret" by Laurie Simmons.

Commission: Messe Schweiz, Art Basel and several galleries
Curator: Gianni Jetzer
