Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Videostill

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  • Videostill

  • Videostill

  • Videostill

  • Videostill

  • Videostill

  • Videostill

1515 Marignano
Swiss National Museum Zurich

500 years after the "Battle of Giants", the exhibition entitled "1515 Marignano" at Swiss National Museum Zurich explores the causes and consequences of the wars surrounding Milan. Time-wise the exhibition focuses on the years between 1497 and 1521.

Tweaklab was commissioned to implement five reports in sound and vision about the decisions of the "Tagsatzung" (Former legislative and executive council) of the Swiss confederacy in these politically hard-pressed times, such as for example the display of "Tagsatzung in Luzern vom 10.03.1510", the "Einsetzung von Massimiliano Sforza als Herzog von Mailand am 29.12.1512" (Installation of Massimiliano Sforza as the duke of Milan on 29.12.1512) and "Über die Einsetzung von Landvögten in die eroberten Gebiete südlich der Alpen vom 25. Februar 1513" (About the installation of provincial governors in the occupied regions south of the Alps of 25.02.1513). The reports were made to stylistically resemble today's news magazines on TV, and they were recorded with the well-known news presenter Beatrice Müller. The recordings, the specially designed news signet "1515", compositing, cutting and sound design were produced in our digital laboratories.
Furthermore, as an introduction to the exhibition an animated film was created, visualising the historical relations of the duchy Milan from 1450 to the Battle of Marignano, with source materials from various archives, such as old maps and portraits of the rulers. To this end a film look was made, which conjures a waft of a smell of parchment into the visitor's noses.
The painting "Rückzug von Marignano" (Retreat from Marignano) by Ferdinand Hodler illustrates in a modern translation in form of a 2-channel video audio installation the woes of the defeated and retreating Swiss mercenary soldiers. The image animation and sound design of this artistic realisation come from Tweaklab's recording studio.

Overall management: Andreas Spillmann
Concept and project lead: Erika Hebeisen
Exhibition curators: Erika Hebeisen, Rebecca Sanders, Denise Tonella
Scenography: atelier gillmann + co gmbh, Basel

Duration of the exhibition: 27.03.–28.06.2015