Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Tablet applications, "Panorama Room"

  • Tablet applications "Panorama Room", New permanent exhibition, Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Tablet applications, "Panaromaroom", Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Interactive "Snippet Book", Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Installation view, interactive "Snippet Book", Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Installation view, interactive "Snippet Book", New permanent exhibition, Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Stopmotion station "Zinnfiguren", New permanent exhibition, Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Stopmotion station "Zinnfiguren", New permanent exhibition, Stadtmuseum Aarau

  • Audio stations "Helmut Zschokke"

  • Audio stations and puppet show "Helmut Zschokke"

  • Audio station

  • Installation view, with movies of IBAarau archiv

  • "Portrait Room" with touch screen

100 x Aarau
Stadtmuseum Aarau

Stadtmuseum Aarau has repositioned itself with the recently inaugurated building extension by Diener & Diener and is breathing new life into the house featuring participatory stations. The general public is animated to take part in the exhibition; the museum considers itself to be an intermediator between sections of the population and generations. This open approach is implemented through various interactive media stations.

At an early stage Tweaklab to the development of these stations and gave their advisory support to the curator and the scenographers. Furthermore, Tweaklab was responsible for the technical implementation, programming and installing of the media stations, three of which we are describing in more detail: In the "Panorama Room" there are pictures of the town from various periods of time hung up in thematic sequence. An educational touch screen application was developed specifically for this room, relating exactly to the juxtaposition of the photographic images from the archive of the town Aarau. On the tablet this archive material can now be sorted and displayed according to different criteria, for example chronologically or by artist, whereby the visitors can discover new levels of information.
Fragments from the archive material of the "Panorama Room" are available to both adults and children at the playfully interactive station "Snippet Book". Here, digital snippets from photos portraying animals, buildings, people or plants are on hand. They can be pieced together to create a collage via a touch screen interface. To this end snippets can be resized, rotated, mirrored, duplicated, moved to the foreground or background. By doing so an individual, a family or a collaborative work can be developed. A favoured detail of the created arrangement can be printed as a postcard in an instant.
Another popular station is the stopmotion table, where life is being breathed into pewter figures. In animated films, made by visitors, characters start moving and communicating by speech bubbles. Scenery objects adapted to the settings - for example jungle, moonscape and city - are supplementing the scene. The recordings as well as various controller options are operated via a touch screen interface.

Exhibition conception: Stadtmuseum Aarau
Exhibition design: emyl
Graphics of touch screen applications: rob & rose
New permanent exhibition starting on 26.04.2015