Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28


Job offer

We are looking for support in the area of AV technology/installation (80%–100%).
Download PDF.

Journey of Shadows
Yves Netzhammer

Tweaklab supported Yves Netzhammer's film project in the post-production of the images and took over the retouching, VFX, color grading and the creation of the DCP.

SEXY – Driving Force of Life
Natural History Museum Basel

Tweaklab has created the interactive game "Sperm Race", in which visitors compete as sperm by quickly pressing a button to be the first to reach the egg.
From November 2023.

Gübelin Gem Museum
Gübelin Academy Luzern

The origins, provenance and fascination with colored gemstones be experienced through
interactive elements.
From June 2023

When the wind turns
Emily Jacir

Reflect, gain experience and actively contribute to the energy transition in Switzerland.
From June 2023

Wilderness in the centre
Swiss National Park Zernez

The new permanent exhibition in the Swiss National Park Zernez has been opened.
From June 2023