Tweaklab AG Gärtnerstrasse 50
CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 386 98 28
  • Ausstellungsansicht, «Games», Landesmuseum Zürich

  • Ausstellungsansicht, «Übermensch – Friedrich Nietzsche und seine Folgen», HMB Barfüsserkirche Basel

  • Ausstellungsansicht, «Zeitsprünge - Basler Geschichte in Kürze», HMB Barfüsserkirche Basel

  • Ausstellungsansicht, «Sammlung Aargauer Kunsthaus DIY!», Aargauer Kunsthaus, Fotocredit:

  • Museumsnacht Basel 2016, Fotostation, Schaulager

  • Museumsnacht Basel 2016, Fotostation, Schaulager

  • «Mumien – Rätsel der Zeit», Naturhistorisches Museum Basel

Software solutions

We offer the know-how for the application of interactive media to convey content in the exhibition area. We program defined or randomly generated dramaturgies with interactive parts and implement games on touch screens.

The combination of physical and mechanical objects with digital components or RFID embeddings and virtual reality applications constitute an additional field of services offered by us. We employ this combination, for example, on three-dimensional models or reliefs with video mappings and show programming.
We also program content management systems for easy filling in and updating of information. To this end we have developed in-house software administration solutions as well as a remote maintenance system, which allows us to perform content adaptions and error corrections fast and efficiently. So we can react quickly and keep the costs low.

We also specialise in the programming of complete control systems for the automatic switching on and off of all the equipment in the exhibition.

Our knowledge and many years of practical experience in content and post-production make our expertise in programming complete; thus enabling us to coordinate and balance the different elements and create convincing media stations.



Experience research live
Visitor Centre psi forum

Whether programming VR glasses, digital books, touchscreens or perper's ghost installations, everything is available here.


New digital signage
Vivarium, Zoo Basel

Programming of the database for recording and managing the contents of digital signage.

Particle swarm animation
Main entrance, KPMG Zurich

Programming and design of the interactive installation with particle swarm behavior and animations.

The alps in legend
Forum Schweizer Geschichte Schwyz

Programming of the audio station for voice recordings via footbutton with database connection of the spoken text with personal details and integration into the exhibition.


Collection Aargauer Kunsthaus DIY!
Aargauer Kunsthaus

Programming of the entire application for the operation of the tablets and the touchscreen stele, as well as for the front end and back end of the administrators.

Musée National de Prangins

All games are ported to Linux for easy and fast access. The network based games are accessed via a Linux server.